Who is Your New Year’s Kiss?

Product January 8, 2019


Who is Your New Year’s Kiss?

This past year’s blessings and lessons have changed each and every one of us for the better. Entering into the New Year, we make goals to challenge ourselves in all aspects of our lives. This can include taking risks in our future relationships: both romantic and platonic.

As you celebrated the last moments of 2018, you most likely met a lot of new people and made a lot of connections. Waiting for the countdown into the new year brings the tradition of finding a new year’s kiss at midnight, creating good fortune for the rest of the year. Being open-minded and receptive during this time can spark new relationships.

What if you’ve hit it off with your new year’s kiss but got limited details?

After the clock strikes midnight and the room is filled with lots of excitement, parties tend to slowly die down and people leave. What if you’ve met someone special but received nothing except a name? What do you do then? People often travel for the holidays and that person may not be easy to find. You can ask the party hosts and close friends if they have any connection with your new year’s kiss. If that proves unsuccessful, you can search the first and/or the last name on Whitepages Premium to find area code, phone number, email, and more.

If you only received a phone number and can’t remember a name, use Whitepages Reverse Phone Lookup online. Phone number search results will show details of the primary phone carrier from age range and gender to recent addresses. With this information, you can find your new year’s kiss and reach out to make a new friend and possibly more.

Take the risk and reconnect with your new year’s kiss! You never know what good the new year may bring.