Holiday Luncheon 2018

Life At Whitepages December 18, 2018


Holiday Luncheon 2018

Our 3rd annual Holiday Luncheon was another successful event. Each year, we celebrate the many cultural traditions from around the world that our employees enjoy during the holiday season. The best way to celebrate? Food! This year, we enjoyed dishes from over eight different cultures. There were pierogies from Poland, Swedish meatballs, and chiles poblanos to represent Mexico. We had Chinese noodles, Indian saag palak masala paneer (cream of spinach simmered with onions and spices), and potato latkes to celebrate the Jewish tradition of Hanukkah.

Every taste bud and diet were satisfied between the vegetarian sushi and Caribbean jerk chicken wings! We shared stories and good conversation about holiday celebrations such as Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Diwali.

It is always fun to have our employees get involved and share their traditions. The rich and diverse food aptly reflects the many talented faces we have on our Whitepages Team.