8 Reasons Your SME Needs an ERP Startup System

Stay Updated June 10, 2023
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8 Reasons Your SME Needs an ERP Startup System

Have you ever considered using an enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform?

ERP startup systems can be a terrific tool for improving efficiency in your business processes. In this article, we’ll look at what they are and why your SME needs one.

8 Benefits of an ERP Startup System for Your SME

For SMEs, signing up for a cloud ERP system can have a massive positive impact on productivity and help drive rapid growth. But this begs the initial question of, what is cloud ERP and why is it suited to SMEs?

An ERP platform or software is a tool that allows businesses to integrate all of their information and data from their day-to-day operations into one platform. It usually incorporates everything from financial operations to HR data and files. This is incredibly useful as it gives an overview of all operations as well as providing insights for forecasting and decision making purposes. 

There are two ways you can implement an ERP system: either on-premises or via the cloud. On-premises ERP systems tend to be favored more by large corporations, as although they’re costly to put in place, they’re fully customizable. For a long time, this meant these useful products were out of reach for smaller organizations.

Luckily, the advent of cloud-based platforms has made them much more accessible to everyone. These days, ERP software can be run on third-party servers, making them much more affordable. These smart systems centralize all your data and link up your internal processes, maximizing efficiency. The advantages you can gain from this reach into every aspect of your business.

1. Optimized operations

From onboarding new staff to managing distribution networks, ERP software helps optimize every aspect of your operations. It integrates all of your business processes and departments, reducing the need for teams to carry out repetitive tasks manually.

If there are redundancies in your systems, using ERP software will make sure you can identify and eliminate them. It helps automate workflows, reduces errors, and improves overall efficiency.

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For example, you might choose to use your ERP software to automate your inventory management process. This will enable you to track inventory levels automatically and generate purchase orders when stock reaches a predetermined threshold. You’ll also benefit from real-time visibility into your inventory data, meaning there’s less of a danger of making costly mistakes like over- or understocking.

For a young company looking to grow, all this is vital. When you’re trying to carve out a space for your business in a competitive niche, anything you can do to streamline your operations is worth considering.

2. Improved accuracy and data management

Data management becomes more straightforward with ERP systems because of their focus on storing and managing business data centrally. This reduces:

  • data duplication
  • inconsistencies
  • manual errors

Because you have more accurate and up-to-date information at all times, it’s easier to make better decisions. In turn, this secures data integrity across your entire organization.

When a customer places an order, ERP software can automatically update not only your inventory levels but also your financial records and the order fulfillment status in real-time.

What once could have been a multi-step procedure becomes much simpler and less vulnerable to being disrupted by human error. Since all departments have access to the most up-to-date information, there’s a reduced likelihood of data discrepancies, improving accuracy.

3. Data-supported decision-making

The crucial consideration here is the real-time nature of the data sharing between your departments that ERP software makes possible. There’s no delay, in other words. This means that the kind of reports and analytics that can be generated from your critical business data are up-to-the-minute in terms of accuracy.

This empowers the decision-makers in your company to make informed decisions based on fully accurate information. One upshot of this is that your business is in a much better position to respond quickly to changing market conditions.

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For example, you might want to launch a new product line. An ERP system will let you analyze historical sales data, customer preferences, and market trends to assess the potential demand for your new product. You can use the reports your software generates to make informed decisions about pricing, marketing strategies, and production volumes.

If you find that there’s a sudden surge in demand for your product, you’ll be well placed to take advantage of it. That’s because all of your systems will be integrated with one another. You’ll be able to scale up your inventory and distribution capability fast, and much more easily than if you’re dependent on separate systems.

4. Better growth opportunities and scalability

Whether you’re running a small home business or a more complex startup, the issue of how to manage growth is crucial. ERP startup systems are designed to support you as you grow.

Scaling up is one of the trickiest challenges faced by any business. Suddenly you can find processes that worked before just aren’t right for your needs. Maybe you were reliant on quite informal methods of team communication, for example. Or possibly one person in charge was overseeing every aspect of the business–something that simply isn’t feasible anymore as the scope of work expands.

With an ERP system in place, it’s a simple matter to add new users, departments, or locations seamlessly. Since it also helps streamline business processes, operations that are critical to scaling, such as optimizing inventory management and improving supply chain efficiency, are much more straightforward to do.

If your company plans to open new branches or warehouses, for instance, the ERP system can help standardize and automate processes across locations. This makes sure you have consistency in your operations and makes it much easier to handle a sudden increase in sales volumes.

5. Cross-department collaboration made easy

One of the most immediately visible benefits concerns communication and collaboration between different departments within an organization. This can be notoriously difficult to manage well because of the sheer complexity of the process.

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Since ERP software provides a common platform for sharing information, it’s easy to coordinate tasks and improve interdepartmental workflows. It makes it simple for everyone from leadership to the most recently arrived joiner to communicate and get things done.

If you value teamwork this aspect of ERP software will be immensely valuable. Overall, it enhances productivity and provides greater alignment across the organization.

This can be great if you’re looking to improve collaboration between your sales and customer service teams. You’ll have a centralized platform where both teams can access your customer information, order history, and communication logs.

This makes for seamless collaboration since it allows your customer service staff to provide personalized assistance based on previous interactions. Meanwhile, your sales team will benefit from up-to-date customer data to help them target cross-selling of your other products appropriately.

6. Maximized ROI

Implementing an ERP system helps improve both sides of the ROI equation. That’s to say, it can help boost your income and cut costs at the same time.

We’ve already mentioned how it consolidates several business functions into a single centralized system. This can help increase income via increased efficiency and improved productivity as it eliminates the need for multiple standalone applications.

On a practical level, there can also be substantial cost savings. You may see reduced IT infrastructure costs, software license fees, and maintenance expenses, for example. 

Additionally, automating processes can lead to reduced operational costs such as those caused by manual data entry or inventory errors.

7. Elevated CSAT

An ERP system doesn’t just have internal benefits. Customers will also see an improvement because customer service teams will have access to accurate, real-time information is great for them too.

This means you or your teams will be able to deliver personalized services, respond promptly to customer inquiries, and efficiently handle order processing and delivery. This is an excellent way to build trust and develop long-term relationships with your clients.

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One example of how organizing processes this way can enhance customer satisfaction would be through improved order processing and delivery. For instance, when a customer places an order, the ERP system can automatically trigger notifications to relevant departments, enabling faster order fulfillment and shipment tracking. From your customers’ point of view, they receive regular updates and enjoy faster delivery.

8. Marketing positioning and a competitive edge

All businesses need a competitive edge to thrive. The challenges and opportunities available today are hugely diverse, and organizations need to stay in peak condition to deal with unpredictable circumstances.

That’s where ERP comes in. Adopting a platform that enables streamlined operations, improved data management, and data-driven decision-making is a smart move.

If you work on a remote or hybrid model, ERP can make sure that all your teams remain well-connected while they take advantage of the benefits of telecommuting. In turn, this can help you attract the top talent and keep them.

ERP systems contribute to improving the customer experience too. Access to real-time data can help you develop a personalized offering according to each customer’s preference. And the fact you can achieve faster order fulfillment and improved product quality can enhance your position in the market and strengthen your competitive edge.

Boost your results with ERP

If you’re looking to take your SME to the next level, using an ERP startup system could be just what you need. By centralizing your operations so they can talk effectively to one another, you’ll save time, boost efficiency, and see your productivity skyrocket. You’ll also be able to deliver a much better customer experience for your clients. All great news for the bottom line.