Dropbox and How an Old Login Can Cost You

Stay Updated May 2, 2022


Dropbox and How an Old Login Can Cost You

What happened?

In 2016, it was discovered that more than 68 million Dropbox usernames and passwords were for sale on the dark web. This data was originally breached in 2012. Dropbox, in response to the sale of user data, pushed all users to change their passwords immediately. “A stolen password was also used to access an employee Dropbox account containing a project document with user email addresses,” according to the original press release in 2012. 

How does this impact you?

If you were using a Dropbox account in 2012, this likely impacted you. Hopefully, upon receiving the notification email, you changed your password and haven’t used that one for anything since. But given the rate of password reuse (about 82%), it probably became another email that got ignored. We all do it. Now, those passwords are in the ecosystem of the dark web, and if you’re still using that old login, it might cost you.

What to do next?

Change your passwords, no, really, just do it. It’s easily the fastest way to upgrade your password hygiene and keep your accounts safe online. Start using a password manager today, it will help you identify where that password is duplicated across other accounts. Check your InstantAlly account! If your credentials were compromised in this breach and you didn’t notice, InstantAlly will tell you. 


