Who owns the Phone Number (414) 327-1731

Last updated Feb 2024

Registered to: Shannon L Fuller
  • Shannon Leah Shaffer Fuller Shannon Shannon Leah Fuller
    Other names for Shannon
  • 40s

Area Code & Provider Details

3 Cell phone numbers
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Other people who could use this number.
Diana L Shaffer
Chicago Ridge, IL
Virgil E Fuller
New Berlin, WI
Scott K Fuller
Las Vegas, NV

Why this number is Low Spam Risk

(414) 327-1731 was reported spam 0 times & was searched 0 times in 30 days by Whitepages users. Not spam?

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Did You Know?

Area codes were created in the labs of AT&T and Bell in 1940. The concept of using area codes grew and modified with time. In 1947, area codes helped to overcome the shortage of phone numbers in countries like the U.S. and Canada through the North American Numbering Plan. Source: NationalToday.com

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about 414-327-1731

Is (414) 327-1731 a Spam or Scam caller?

Based on reports, (414) 327-1731 is low spam risk, indicating minimal history of unsolicited or suspicious activity.

What does it mean that the Last updated date is Feb 2024?

This indicates the last time our database received an update specifically for (414) 327-1731. We regularly update our records to ensure our accuracy.

Where is the owner of (414) 327-1731 located?

The owner of (414) 327-1731 is likely located in New Berlin, WI with an address at 15125 W Maple Ridge Rd in New Berlin, WI. There are 12 current and past addresses associated with (414) 327-1731.

Are there any email addresses or other phone numbers associated with the owner of (414) 327-1731?

There are 13 other phones and 3 email addresses associated with (414) 327-1731. To see detailed contact info, as well as background report information, public records or property information for the phone number owner, view the full report.

How did you determine the location for (414) 327-1731?

The location is based on the owner's address or in the case where the owner address is not known, it is based on the area code and exchanges of a number. This number is associated with New Berlin, WI.

What other cities are in the (414) area code?

The 414 area code serves a number of cities such as Milwaukee, Oak Creek, Franklin, South Milwaukee and Cudahy.

What if I have received a suspicious call or message from 4143271731?

Please report any suspicious activity or concerns regarding this number. Your feedback helps us maintain an accurate and up-to-date system.

I have additional details about (414) 327-1731. How can I submit it to Whitepages?

You can submit information such as spam report or disconnected phone