Find Kari's current address in California, phone number and email. Contact information for people named Kari Rodriguez found in Sacramento, Bakersfield, Berkeley and 13 other U.S. cities in CA, and include family, property and public records.
Kari M Rodriguez lives in Palermo, CA. Kari is related to Orasio Rodriguez . Phone numbers for Kari include: (530) 282-4143. View Kari's cell phone and current address.
Kari L Rodriguez 's address was 5713 Brett Dr, Sacramento, CA in the Hillsdale neighborhood. Kari is related to Maria Rodriguez and Jazmin Rodriguez as well as 3 additional people. View Kari's cell phone and current address.
Kari E Rodriguez has an address of 5044 Easton Dr, Bakersfield, CA. They have also lived in Bel Air, MD and Morristown, TN. Kari is related to Pamela Rodriguez and Caroline Rodriguez as well as 3 additional people. Phone numbers for Kari include: (661) 396-0899. View Kari's cell phone and current address.
Find addresses and contact info for 22 people named Kari Rodriguez across 21 U.S. cities in California using Whitepages People Search. People named Kari Rodriguez are usually in their 60s and often live in Winnetka and Palermo. The best profile found nearby is Kari Rodriguez, located at 20316 Saticoy St Apt 101, Winnetka, CA. Kari J Rodriguez has 1 landline. Their landline or home phone number in Winnetka is (818) 887-9064. Another top profile, Kari M Rodriguez, lives at 7615 Fulton Ave.
Continue your people search by finding Kari Rodriguez's relatives in California, including up-to-date contact information like house addresses and phone numbers, as well as birthdays. Another top profile is Kari M Rodriguez, who also has nearby relatives, including Orasio Rodriguez. Contact their family members by unlocking the full list of relatives for Kari.