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Joan Barr in Oregon 3 people found

Find Joan's current address in Oregon, phone number and email. Contact information for people named Joan Barr found in Corvallis, Hillsboro and Oakridge, and include family, property and public records.

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Top Results for Joan Barr in OR

Joan P Barr
Corvallis, OR (Northwest Corvallis)
Joan P Barr
Corvallis, OR (Northwest Corvallis)
MAY GO BY Joan Phyllis Barr
Addresses Corvallis, OR Winter Haven, FL White Rock, NM
RELATED TO Sumner Barr Madison M Barr Dean S Barr
Joan Phyllis Barr
Corvallis, OR
Winter Haven, FL
White Rock, NM
Sumner Barr Madison M Barr Dean S Barr Adam Phillip Barr
Joan L Barr
Hillsboro, OR (Brookwood)
Joan L Barr
Hillsboro, OR (Brookwood)
MAY GO BY Joan Louise Barr Joan Lw Barr
Addresses Hillsboro, OR Lacey, WA Marshall, WI
RELATED TO Timothy William Barr Brendan D Umscheid Christopher W Barr
Joan Louise Barr Joan Lw Barr
Hillsboro, OR
Lacey, WA
Marshall, WI
Timothy William Barr Brendan D Umscheid Christopher W Barr Meaghan Brittainy Barr
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phone number Phone Number for Joann D Barr
address House Address for Joann D Barr
background report Email Address for Joann D Barr
Oakridge, OR  •  Bandon, OR  •  Sutherlin, OR  •  Springfield, OR  •  Veneta, OR  •  Coos Bay, OR  •  Fort Bragg, CA
May Go By
Joan Barr  •  Joann Deneen Barr
Related To
Karalina Ellen Burton  •  Susan Lelane Burdick  •  Valdia R Barr  •  Joseph D Parker

Birth, Death, and Divorce Records for Joan Barr
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Find more contact information for Joan Barr


Joan P Barr
Corvallis, OR
(505) 672-9410View More
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Joan L Barr
Hillsboro, OR
(503) 259-9750View More
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Joann D Barr
Oakridge, OR
(541) 782-2634View More
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FAQs about our top result for people named Joan P Barr

What is Joan Barr's address?

Joan Barr's home address is 2896 NW 29th St in Corvallis, OR. View all 5 addresses for Joan.

What is Joan Barr's phone number?

Joan Barr's phone number is (505) 672-9410. Joan of 3804 NE Lincoln St's home number is (503) 259-9750, and their cell phone starts with 503. We found 2 phone numbers for Joan Barr.

What is Joan Barr's email address?

Joan Barr's email address ends in We found 2 active emails for Joan Barr

Who are Joan Barr's relatives?

Their family members include Sumner Barr, Madison Barr, and Dean Barr.

What age is Joan Barr?

Joan Barr is in their 80s. Learn how old they are and when they were born with Whitepages Premium.

Does Joan Barr go by other names or aliases?

Yes, this person is also known as Joan Phyllis Barr. This alias may include their birth name, married name, maiden name, or nickname.

Where can I find Joan Barr's public records and property records?

Joan Barr's public and property records can be found in a Whitepages background check.

Does Joan Barr have any criminal records?

A Whitepages background report will check for any criminal and arrest records for Joan Barr.