Find Elizabeth's current address in North Carolina, phone number and email. Contact information for people named Elizabeth Christy found in Durham, Boone, Browns Summit and 7 other U.S. cities in NC, and include family, property and public records.
Elizabeth W Christy lives in Durham, NC. They have also lived in San Leandro, CA and Oakland, CA. Elizabeth is related to Jayne Christy and Duncan Christy as well as 1 additional person. Elizabeth's cell phone number has area code (914) . View Elizabeth's cell phone and current address.
Elizabeth C Christy 's address was 104 Yeargen Pl # 104, Chapel Hill, NC. They have also lived in Silver Spring, MD and Durham, NC. View Elizabeth's cell phone and current address.
Elizabeth Christy has an address of 955 College Ave, Shelby, NC. They have also lived in Ironton, OH and Huntington, WV. Elizabeth is related to Elizabeth James and Kimberly Christy as well as 2 additional people. Phone numbers for Elizabeth include: (610) 495-2189. View Elizabeth's cell phone and current address.