Find Alexis' current address, phone number and email. Contact information for people named Alexis Jeffers found in California, Ohio, Florida and 12 other U.S. states, and include family, property and public records.
Alexis N Jeffers lives in Lothian, MD. Alexis is related to Elizabeth Jeffers . View Alexis's cell phone and current address.
Alexis Carrie Jeffers 's address was 16509 County Road 238, Jasper, MO. They have also lived in Seneca, MO and Joplin, MO. Alexis is related to Timothy Jeffers and Hannah Jeffers as well as 3 additional people. View Alexis's cell phone and current address.
Alexis Jeffers has an address of 7911 Iroquois Ct, Antelope, CA in the Antelope neighborhood. Alexis is related to Alexis Jeffers and Roger Jeffers. View Alexis's cell phone and current address.