Find Alejandro's current address, phone number and email. Contact information for people named Alejandro Cortez found in California, Texas, Illinois and 37 other U.S. states, and include family, property and public records.
Alejandro Ruiz Cortez lives in White Oak, PA. They have also lived in Newellton, LA. View Alejandro's cell phone and current address.
Alejandro Cortez 's address was 208 E 20th St, Long Beach, CA in the Southeast Wrigley neighborhood. Alejandro is related to Alejandro Cortez and Sonia Ortega. View Alejandro's cell phone and current address.
Alejandro R Cortez has an address of 5157 Karen Dr, North Richland Hills, TX. They have also lived in North Richland Hills, TX and Fort Worth, TX. Alejandro is related to Alejandro Cortez and Irene Colin. Alejandro's cell phone number has area code (817) . View Alejandro's cell phone and current address.