14003 Corrine Cir
Jacksonville, FL 32258
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14003 Corrine Cir
Jacksonville, FL 32258
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Property Owner Info
Looking for who owns 14003 Corrine Cir, Jacksonville FL 32258 and how to contact them? This Single Family Home is owned by Spencer Carter. It is currently owner-occupied and has 2 adult residents, including Dominique Dunn and Spencer Carter. This property is a 2,432 square foot home on a 5,924 square foot lot with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms located in Jacksonville, FL. The Tax Assessor's value of 14003 Corrine Cir is $383,918 or $158 per square foot. According to public records, it was most recently sold on 8/9/2020 for $305,000.00. Explore the investment potential of this property, with access to owner and resident contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses.
Property Appreciation
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Property Details
for 14003 Corrine Cir
This Single Family Home is a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2,432 square foot home on a 5,924 square foot lot. It is approximately 11 years old and was built in 2014. According to the Tax Assessor's evaluation, 14003 Corrine Cir is valued at $383,918 which is worth $157.86 per square foot. The property information on this page is obtained from public records and other reputable sources. While such information is considered reliable, it is not guaranteed and should be independently verified.
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Property Residents
Looking for who lives at 14003 Corrine Cir? There are 2 people living at this property.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About This Property
Who lives at 14003 Corrine Cir, Jacksonville, FL, 32258?
Dominique Dunn and Spencer Carter currently live in 14003 Corrine Cir, Jacksonville, FL, 32258, according to public records.
Who owns 14003 Corrine Cir, Jacksonville, FL, 32258?
Spencer Carter currently owns the home at 14003 Corrine Cir, Jacksonville, FL, 32258. This Jacksonville property has been owned for 4 years and 6 months. It is now occupied.
How much is this real estate property worth?
14003 Corrine Cir, Jacksonville, FL, 32258 is worth $420,353 according to Whitepages’ estimated current value. This property is valued at $172.84 per square foot.
When was this home built and last sold?
14003 Corrine Cir, Jacksonville, FL, 32258 was built in 2014 and last sold on 8/9/2020 for $305,000.00.